On the Subject of Reversed Boolean Network

.tser eht dna ,eM .dlrow siht ni elpoep fo sepyt 01 era erehT

  • This module has a status light on the bottom left corner. If it is on the top right, you are looking at Boolean Network
  • This module contains 6 colored buttons with black, grey or white edge and 9–12 arrows connecting each button.
  • The color of the edge of each button represents the boolean value of each button at step 3. If the edge is white, the value is 1. If it is black, the value is 0. Otherwise, it is unknown.
  • For each arrow that points to a button, the input for the button for each step is defined as follows:
A -> B The input for node B is the value of node A in the previous step.
A -| B The input for node B is the value of node A in the previous step inversed.
  • The value of the button for each step (except step 0) is determined by the color of the button and the inputs.
Red The value is 1 if all the inputs are 1. Otherwise 0.
Green The value is 1 if at least one of the inputs is 1. Otherwise 0.
Blue The value is 1 if more than half of the inputs are 1. Otherwise 0.
  • For every possible initial state at step 0, the state is valid if the state at step 3 agrees with the state presented in the module through the colours of the edges. The value for the button with a grey edge at step 3 does not affect the validity.
  • For each button, count the number of valid initial states that assign 1.
  • Press all the buttons in ascending order with regards to the count. The module will not submit until you press all the buttons.
  • If there is a tie, you can press the button with the tied count in any order.
  • If you submit a wrong answer, the module will strike and the inputs will be reset.